My Top 10 Reads of 2021

Kavin Bharti Mittal
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

A Choice Upanishads. A manual on what it means to be human and how to relate to our human form πŸ“œ

Cold Start Problem. The best practical articulation on Networks Effects till date πŸ“ˆ

Great by Choice. A study of companies and the choices that made them great πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

Built to Last. A study of those great companies and a set of principles common across them, on what made them visionary 🀝

Will and Vision. An in-depth analysis showing that market pioneers rarely lead markets long-term. The best win long-term, not the first πŸš€

Stealing Fire. Psychology, Technology, Pharmacology, Neurobiology brought together from the point of view of how to supercharge the human form πŸ”₯

Atomic Habits. A simple articulation on what it means to build new habits. Once you understand the process, it becomes so easy to assimilate new patterns πŸ€

Breathe. Breathing isn’t just another function of the body, it’s a body in itself (pranamaya kosha). The condition of our breath body (our breathing) is deeply linked to our well being and performance πŸ’¨

Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. A re-read from years ago and what a beautiful book. My biggest takeaway from this was Classical Value (the way things are) vs Romantic Value (the way those things make you feel) β™₯️

Phil Jackson 11 Rings. Phil Jackson coached Jordan & Kobe leading them to multiple championships. An incredible close-up/behind the scenes on his methods and his thinking πŸͺ

